It is time for the selection of our 2016 All‐Star teams! The below form must be completed in order for your child to be eligible for consideration as an All‐Star. Please read this carefully and ensure you provide all required information before turning in this form. As indicated in the instructions, these forms can be turned into your manager or at concessions.
If you have any questions regarding the 2016 FYB All-Star process, please email –
2016 Instructions and Details:
2016 All-Star Instructions ver3
All-star Application
FYB All Star App 2016 ver3
Important dates:
April 27th – deadline for applications
Week of May 1st – All-Star teams announced
Week of May 7th – All-Star practices may begin
June 9-12 – Districts tournament @ Fishhawk
June – July –
Note: May – June various local tournaments held to prepare teams for Districts and Qualifiers